Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is a good shampoo for hair, when you are loosing hair?

I notice I am having hair loss, I think is my shampoo, can someone recomend a good shampoo to stop the hair loss or a treatment to stop it?

What is a good shampoo for hair, when you are loosing hair?

They make shampoo for horses that promotes hair growth. No joke, it works.

What is a good shampoo for hair, when you are loosing hair?

Progaine 2-in-1 Shampoo, from the makers of Rogaine.

What is a good shampoo for hair, when you are loosing hair?

Not really a shampoo I can recommend, but why don't you try, Virgin Coconut Oil, extra virgin, doesn't matter, as long as it is not refined nor bleached.

Put in on overnight. Place a towel over your pillow so your pillow case won't be greasy with oil. And in the next morning, wash it off with toxin-free shampoo, and to really remove the smell of the coconuts (it's not really that a bad smell), use conditioner.

What is a good shampoo for hair, when you are loosing hair?

Try Hair loss remedies at

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