Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair loss OMG!?

im suffering from hair loss. it occurs in patches i guess. parts on my scalp only suffers from the hair fall. not all, but as i have observed it seems to to spreading. i used to have short hair cuts(im a guy) but now of the increasing sized of the patches i have no choice but to let it grow to cover the patches. im using a topical steroid for this problem but i dont think its working for me now. plus the adverse side effects ruins my day to day activities. (i stopped using) -,- so probably non medical treatment i should rely on. anyway, does mane and tail works or is good for sensitive hair? every time i wash my hair may hair falls off, it even falls when im just brushing my hair with my hand. and also is soap okay when used in the scalp? or like a substitute for shampoo? i need help. what are my options.


Hair loss OMG!?

dont worry! im here now, lol. no, but this happened to my brother. he has an overactive thyroid gland and he loses his hair. its nothing serious its just how your body reacts and you get meds and then you're fine. however you might want to see a doctor. a dermotologist to be exact. my brother sees one once a month for his hair. they inject a substance in the scalp might hurt a little but it gets the job done! in weeks you would see instant results! his hair grew back so fast. and i dont think its very expensive either. well good luck and i hope your hair grows back!

Hair loss OMG!?

Go on...

Shave it all off !!

Hair loss OMG!?

Have you had your thyroid (lipids) checked?

Hair loss OMG!?

Have yourself tested for heavy metal body burden. The most efficient and cost effective test that I know about is a 24 hour urine test with a DMPS iv push. You will want to pay attention to the lead and thallium content of the results.

Hair loss OMG!?

Reduce your total stress load in 6 key areas

Thoughts - Stop stinkin thinkin, be positive.

Breathing - Learn to breath prop, search for yogic breathing online etc.

Hydration - Drink adequote clean (not tap) water each day.

Nutrition - Eat organic wherever possible and ensure you get adequote protein for your diet.

Exercise - Quality not quantity

Sleep - 10pm till 6.30pm every night in a pitch black room with no electrical sources near your bed.

If you make improvements in all these areas your condition will begin to improve.

Hair loss OMG!?

See a doctor to make sure there is not a medical reason for this that could be treated. If not, consider shaving it bald. Bald can be very sexy.

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