If someome has chemo treatments, is there an average amount of time when they will start to lose their hair? Like, is it after the very first treatment or after a few? Of course, I know not everyone loes their hair during chemo, but I was wondering how long it would take IF they were going to lose their hair for the loss to begin.
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Chemo and hair loss?
As already stated, it really depends . . . on the patients type of normal hair growth, the type of chemotherapy used, and the time period in which the chemo is received. If a patient is in the middle of a 'growth' cycle for his hair (hair is growing - chemo targets fast growing cells) and he has chemotherapy than the chemo will not only affect the tumors but the hair follicles as well. So, hair loss could be immediately after starting chemo. However, if chemo is given when the individuals hair is not in a growth cycle, than his hair might not fall out for a while.
My son had very thick hair and high dose chemotherapy (Vincristine, Doxirubicin, Cytoxan, Etoposide, Ifosomide). Within the first two cycles of chemo he had no hair loss, than he lost his darker hair first. He had very fine blonde hair for two or three months, but it finally all came out too. He had HD chemo for 9 months.
Recently he has had a milder cycle of chemo (Irinotecan and Temodar) and all his hair started to grow back.
So, it depends . . . . on the type of chemo, how long you have the chemo treatment, and what type of hair you have.
Chemo and hair loss?
I've had chemotherapy several times and the time lag between chemo and hair loss varied depending on the drugs and the dosage. The time span was anywhere from three days to two weeks.
Chemo and hair loss?
My sister had leukemia for 2 and a half years...her hair didn't fall out until about 4 months after they initiated the rounds of chemotherapy..
Chemo and hair loss?
Hair loss depends on the type of chemo drug that is used on a cancer patient. It also depends on the individual, some are more prone to hair-loss than others.
Hair loss usually begins as soon as the chemo drug starts to affect the hair roots. When the cells begin to die, hair falls off.
Chemo and hair loss?
I started losing my hair after my third chemo treatment, and it went very fast. I couldn't stand to see the huge clumps of my beautiful golden silk hair falling out in huge clumps everytime I touched it, so I just shaved it. I was hoping I would be one of the few lucky ones that wouldn't lose it, but no. I lost every hair on my body, even eyebrows! It's not so bad, though, you get used to it and learn to live with it! Hope everything goes well with you! Take care!
Chemo and hair loss?
Yea, it pretty much varies with everyone. I started losing mine after my second treatment, but another kid getting the same chemo at the same time didn't lose his until after his 4th treatment.
Chemo and hair loss?
Usually about 2 wks after the first treatment. I had shaved my hair off myself. While it wasn't long it was very thick %26amp; I just didn't want to deal with that bit. It veries, all, some lose. But I found it begin growing back between treatments too %26amp; it was the old hair that came out with the next treatment. not the new hair. I had 4 treatments %26amp; this is how it went with each. By the time I finished I had a funny hair cut. 4 different growths. I took about 2 monthes before I could get it cut. %26amp; a couple of cuts to straighten the mess out. Funny thing is that new hair grew like wild fire for about 6 mos. I needed a cut every 4 wks. %26amp; it was soft. Been a yr. now I have all my hair back as thick as ever.I was glad to get it back too, believe me.
Chemo and hair loss?
For me it was right at 10 days - 2 weeks.
Best wishes
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