I have fine hair which i used to be able to just comb and they will stay straight and neat but now its frizzy %26amp; flips out (also due to the cutting of layers)
any reasons for that? any tips?
also lately, i find my hair falling out. i know it's said that around 100 strands fall off daily, but i use to have maybe just 30 strands fall out daily. when i wake up in the morning %26amp; comb my hair, it seems almost 20 falls out.
i'm going to someone who does herb treatments once every 2wks (went 3 times), but its still falling out
is there any food that i can take to improve this?
Frizzy hair %26amp; hair loss?
go to sally and look in the section for hair treatments.. they have a couple brands that are made for hair loss- follicure and nutri-ox they have styling stuff, shampp. conditioner, treatments, etc... .. also get a good shampoo/ conditioner for frizzy hair.. i have medium thick layered hair and it isnt frizzy but kind of poofy... i used a brand called marc anthony straight.. it a teal color bottle.. its about 8 dollars... its the only brand i have tried of frizz type stuff but after i used it once my hair was smooth and it smells great too!
also, try doing some hot oil treatments.. you can get those at most stores and they sell them at sally also.
SOme reasons your hair could be falling out more-
it is getting longer and the weight will sometimes make it fall out
it could be you are getting split ends and that hair is breaking off
you may be vitamin defficent- try a multi vitamin with high folic acid
if you have changed your lifestyle at all or are more stressed that could cuase it.. or if you have moved recently- diff water treats hair diff.....
also your body in general could be changing and your hair could be changing... that is natural
as for food....
eat healthy in general... try to get some omega 3- (found in fish) as well as b vitamins and drink lots of water
some people say caffiene and coffee will slow hair groth.. i dont know if it is true or not...
try to stay away from a lot of high sugar or fat
Frizzy hair %26amp; hair loss?
change you shampoo %26amp; conditioner i really recomend K-Pac
Frizzy hair %26amp; hair loss?
well you can try taking biotin, it helps if the reason for your hair loss is a biotin deficeincy, but it all depends on whats making it fall out. It could be stress, lack of protein, hormone problems, if it starts getting really bad, you might need to see your doctor and get some bloodwork done. but sometimes hair just falls out but it will grow back.
Frizzy hair %26amp; hair loss?
Here is an excellent site with some wonderful options 4 U. Check it out閳ワ腹鈧?.
Frizzy hair %26amp; hair loss?
Have you had your thyroid tested? Ask your doc for a TSH. That checks your thyroid levels,hairloss is common.
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