Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

Only 18 and it's coming out!

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

I started losing my hair a long time ago and I still have plenty! Most loss is male pattern baldness caused from the build up of a hormone DHT on your scalp. Wash your hair with a good shampoo often, Nioxin is for this purpose. Use Minoxidil, for the crown of your head, it's cheap buy the generic Rogain. And use Propicia for loss in the front of your head. It's expensive so I buy Proscar and cut it up , it's the same drug. It's worked for me.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

There are lot of treatments out there. Consult a doctor.

Sometimes it could be genetic too.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

I have a doc friend who treats baldness. He told me that Propecia (not sure on spelling) is the best way before ya lose too much. It needs a prescription though.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

i don't know about "best" treatment...but i hear that you should eat a lot of "skin" from fruits and vegetables.

there's something in the skin of...say...cucumbers, or apples...etc.. that helps the growth of your hair nails and skin.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

if you're only 18, something other than geneitcs must be in the mix...male pattern baldness should come later in life...consult a doctor before doing anything else

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?


What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

There are all kinds of medical remedies available. If you're serious about remedying hair loss, see your doctor. You can also take steps to preserve the hair your have. One easy thing, only comb your hair from roots to ends. Anything else tangles and then pulls out hair in the detangling process. Follow this pattern also when you wash and condition your hair. Also, keep your hair cut short as weight will also increase fallout. Finally, Mane and Tail shampoo seem to help, and some judicious use of hair gel will make the hair you have seem thicker.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?

Stop taking steriods.

What is the best treatment to stop and prevent hair loss?


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