Hello Sir/Madam,
My name is Chetan.I am a 25 years old student from Bangalore.I have been losing hair profusely for the past 3-4 years.I had taken treatment from Dr.Shahid Samsher (trichologist)4 years ago but found no use.Last year i even tried Mintox(5%) and finasteride for two months.I am now under the impression that hairfall can only be arrested but cannot be regrown.I request you to please help me in this aspect and clarify this misconception.Please let me know if there is any good remedy.
Hair Loss Problem?
There are severeal forms of baldenss. If it is male pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) then the hairloss cannot be fully cured in most
cases, but just frozen for some time with the treatments availiable on market today.
1) Hair transplant (FUE technology) creates really natural hairline, no scars, the best way to go if you have enough donor hair and money of course.
2. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil are the only ones approved by FDA and proven to work in most men so far.
But before you consider to start propecia you must really study about the side effects. It can mess your hormones real bad if you are not lucky, so you must choose, hair or these side effects. Quite a big perecent have these side effects, more than Merck - the company that holds
Propecia trademark is saying. see www.propeciahelp.com
Generic Propecia (finasteride) is also ok. I use it with same results, and unfortunately same sides(a bit dry feeling in the scalp) as brand propecia. Have tried lots of herbal c..p before it and laser combs, so far the only thing that prevents my hairloss, not much regrowth, but has stopped my hairloss completely.
I buy from this pharmacy for the last 2 years - http://www.1rx.biz/generic_propecia.html . It is under $1 per pill as I buy the 90 pills. (89$ for 90)
Hair Loss Problem?
oil ur hair just for one hour before washing themand try to change ur shampoo may be the one u r using deos not suit ur hair
Hair Loss Problem?
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall
Natural Homemade Tips for Hair %26amp; Skin
Hair Loss Problem?
There are few tips that you may follow to have a good hair line and to reduce the rate of fall of hairs, but before we actually look into that matter, we should be aware of the cause of this problem. Hairs are lost when they weaken from the root. There are more chances of hair loss if you are prone to working in a place with lots of dust. Hence you must be careful while working and should properly cover your hairs so as to prevent them from getting dirty.
The use of the hair products should be checked with a dermatologist so as to ensure that they are compatible with the type of hair you have. The most important thing about the hair is that every individual has unique type of hair and hence the type of products that might suite you would also vary. Hence you should always consult the doctor about the products that you are planning to apply on you hair.
You should always know the positive and the negative sides of any hair products that you use. The dermatologists and the hair experts would be able to provide you with the ill effects of a particular conditioner or the styling gel. The usage of improper chemicals on the hair may also lead to its graying. The use of the coloring agents used in Hair Loss Remediescoloring the hair is also important. There is a huge variety of hair products that is available, and before going for one brand you should be well aware of the pros and cons.
To avoid unnecessary loss of hair you should try to keep the hairs under less stress. Some people are used to tying the hairs tight; this may lead to breaking of the hair strands. You should be extra cautious while handling the wet hairs. The wet hairs are heavier and there are more chances of their breaking if you apply more pressure in drying them with a towel. Brushing the hair forcefully can also lead to breaking of hair. You can try to use the different hair drying methods before you comb or brush your hairs.
Hair Loss Problem?
this is not true. science has come up with many solutions to hair fall. hair regrowth can be achieved through laser therapy and oral medications. visit the following site my friend found it helpfull in hair regrowth.
Hair Loss Problem?
I understand how you feel because I've been in that situation before. I tried using different kinds of shampoos to stop my hair loss but it didn't work for me. But good for me i found the right solution. Proper diet, enough time of sleep and not worrying too much can prevent this problem. For more tips, visit www.profinastpills.com
Hair Loss Problem?
There are several possible causes of hair loss. I may be because of hormonal imbalance, improper diet, undergoing different kinds of hair treatments like coloring and straightening, and stress. Healthy diet, enough time of sleep, regulart exercise and not worrying too much can prevent this problem. I know how you feel because I once had abnormal hair falling, too.
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