Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Need help with hair loss question!?

I got my hair cut for the first time today since April 2006. The period since then has been one of increased hair loss. I had been unable to brush my hair without seeing a good deal fall out, and a noticeable thinning spot was growing larger on top. I am 20 years old, and male, but nobody with genetic ties to me in my family lost their hair this early. When I got it cut, my hairdresser was shocked to discover that I had not had it trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks. She said that the split ends had gone all the way down to the root, and this was the main reason for the severe thinning, and the pain in all of my follicles when I touch the hair.

My question is, does this actually happen, or was she wrong? Can hair loss be caused by mistreatment like that?

I am going to wait for a while and see if the Nioxin shampoos and treatments she gave me work to restore the lost hair. But I want to know if it's worth the effort, or if I'm actually balding genetically.

Thanks for your answers!

Need help with hair loss question!?

It is true that hair stops growing when there are split ends .With your treatment you can also try this remedy. About 50 to 100 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 taken for one or two months helps decrease hair fall. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair. Check out for more info.

Need help with hair loss question!?

wear a wig

Need help with hair loss question!?

we all go through that denial stage and look for some kind of medical reasoning. truth is me ole mate, yer going bald. my mate started to lose he's BADLY at 19. and he was bald before he's 2ist birthday. i was lucky. mine didnt start to notice untill i was in my mid 40 s. but now its all gon. you never know they might come up with some thing in a few years. ( mind you they were on the virge of a cure in the 60s) try not to worry about it.

Need help with hair loss question!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

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