are there some home remedy or vitamins we can take.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
Hair loss in men is known as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Testosterone, the puberty hormone is the cause of male pattern baldness. This hormone brings masculinity in the body of a male child. After finishing its work testosterone converts into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which clogs hair follicles on the scalp. Hair follicles perform the task of holding hair and providing them with essential nutrients for growth. As hair follicles reduces in size, hair also become thin with them. The meaning of thin hair is weak hair; weak hair fall easily. Once hair fall out of a DHT affected hair follicle, no new hair grow their and that hair follicle is closed completely forever. Numerous such hair follicles constitute bald spot on the head of a man who is suffering from male pattern baldness.
Propecia is an ideal solution for such a hair loss problem. Propecia has finasteride, which is a special type of steroid type II 5-alpha reductase. This active ingredient of Propecia inhibits synthesis of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Due to its action testosterone synthesizes into 5-alpha DHT. This chemical compound is a not a harmful substance for hair follicles. This way Propecia, the appropriate hair loss treatment strikes over the root cause of male pattern baldness.
For more info on Propecia visit:
One of the more common approaches to reversing baldness on the market today is the popular and successful drug Propecia. All drugs and medications come with the risk of side effects, and in some cases, taking a medication for one thing can mask or hide other developing health problems. In the case of Propecia, recent research indicates that using the drug can alter the results of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test used to screen for prostate cancer in men.
The study found that Propecia cuts PSA levels in half after one year of use. While there is no PSA threshold below which cancer risk is completely eliminated, or above which cancer is a certainty, the conventional normal range is between 0 and 4.0.
However, for men on Propecia, a PSA level of 2.0 could indicate prostate cancer risk.
"If you've been on Propecia for a year, you should double the PSA score," D'Amico said.
"If you are on Propecia for more than a year, don't multiply the score; look at the change in PSA over time. If it goes up by more than three-tenths of a point, consider a biopsy," he said.
Herbal Alternative to Propecia:
Recently, medical science has finally identified the main cause of hair loss. Now, it is a known medical fact that hair loss stems from both genetic and hormonal causes. Androgenetic Alopecia or "male pattern hair loss" is implicated in 95% of hair loss cases. The key is a hormonal byproduct called DHT (dihydrotestostrone). The more DHT that gets put into your body, the more your hair follicles become thinner and finer until the hair is permanently lost.
Provillus is the natural drug that limits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and in turn prevents hair loss.
The Breakthrough formula of Provillus was designed to block DHT and supply the proper nutrients to your body specifically tailored to prevent hair loss and to help you regrow hair naturally.
For more info on Provillus visit:
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
The first choice of treatment would be a cortocosteroid cream or lotion which is applied directly to the bald areas. An alternative is an injection of cortocosteroid directly onto and around the bald area.
Oral cortisone is sometimes prescribed for extensive scalp loss or when the condition is rapidly spreading.
There also are Dithranol, Retin A - Tretinoin or Oral zinc.
For treatments for greater than 50% hair loss include Systematic Cortisone, PUVA or Irritants.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
A good scalp polish.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
There are many home remedies available. Including the following:
Since everybody has their own favorite shampoo, we do not have a special shampoo recipe, but do suggest that you add the following essential oils to your regular shampoo. It is however suggested that you use a mild natural shampoo.
The dilution that you should use is as follows, and please do not add more essential oil than specified, as it may cause irritation.
Shampoo to use with alopecia:
100 ml shampoo mixed with
15 drops jojoba oil
8 drops carrot oil
7 drops rosemary oil
7 drops lavender oil
2 drops tea tree oil
You can use this shampoo as your regular shampoo.
Stimulating massage lotion to help hair loss:
This stimulating lotion can be massaged into the scalp in the morning, after washing and partly drying the hair. Massage with care so as not to stretch or break the hair while massaging.
100 ml mix (50/50 of rosewater and distilled water)
15 ml apple cider vinegar
5 drops rosemary oil
6 drops jojoba oil
3 drops carrot oil
3 drops geranium oil
This mixture should be kept in the fridge and will separate when standing, necessitating you to give it a good shake every morning before applying about 2 teaspoons of the mixture.
Hair conditioner for use when balding:
For a once-a-week conditioning treatment, you can apply the following oil blend and leave on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off. When washing it off, apply some shampoo to the hair before you wet it, to help remove the oil easily.
2 ml jojoba oil (40 drops)
8 drops evening primrose oil
2 drops geranium oil
2 drops palma rosa
Oil treatment for alopecia and hair loss:
This oil blend must be gently (repeat gently) rubbed onto the scalp once a day at night before going to bed. Pay special attention to the bald spots but work through your entire scalp.
3 drops rosemary oil
4 drops geranium oil
4 drops lavender oil
1 drop frankincense oil
4 drops cypress oil
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops juniper oil
Take one drop (1 drop only) per day and massage into the scalp before going to bed. The best way to do it is to dispense one drop onto your finger, then rub all your fingertips together to distribute the oil, and then massage the scalp with your fingertips. This treatment must be applied every day, without a single day being skipped.
This is one of the few times where we will use neat (undiluted) pure essential oil on the skin, and you are advised to be on the lookout for any skin irritation. Should that occur immediately cease with the treatment.
Since essential oils can irritate the mucus membranes you are strongly advised to thoroughly wash your hands after applying this treatment, as to prevent accidental transference of the neat oil into your eyes or other sensitive areas.
These are a few remedies, that you can use. Remember, alopecia can be an indication of an underlying medical condition, and you are therefore advised to contact your licensed medical practitioner should you have any medical condition or queries.
Hope that helps.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
Make it short and use coconut oil..
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
Usually it is a shock to the system and also genes{your family tree but usually it is the males in your family as baldness is a pattern in families but we are suppose to lose over 100 hairs a day this is normal, and ring worm can cause baldness in spots.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?(hair loss)?
I think the best thing you can do is find yourself a good dermatologist and you will have to go through painful shots but it will work. Also look into the cause of your hair loss. sometimes it is due to stress or diet. My daughter who has a lot of hair suffered from it at one point when she was under an extreme amount of stress. She got shots at a dermatologist which made her hair come back. She also changed her living situation which was the underlying cause of her stress.
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