Thursday, July 23, 2009

I want know wats the best way of treatment of hair loss &bulding .?

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Hair loss during treatment

Many people assume that chemotherapy always causes hair loss but this isn't true. Some drugs cause none at all. However, certain drugs do cause partial or complete alopecia, which means all body hair is temporarily lost. If the drugs included in your treatment plan will result in you losing hair, the doctors and nurses treating you will explain this to you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them.

Hair loss may start within a couple of days of beginning treatment or may not occur for some weeks. You'll probably notice more hair on your brush, in the basin or shower after washing your hair or on your bed linen. Some people notice that their scalp becomes quite tender just before their hair comes out.

Body hair may also be lost, that is underarm and pubic hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Your eyes may water more easily and be more sensitive to the sun. Wearing sunglasses will help to protect your eyes.

Scalp cooling

Scalp cooling is a method of preventing hair loss but it can only be used with certain drugs. Research has shown that scalp cooling can prevent hair loss with three drugs - doxorubicin, epirubicin and taxol. Even then success depends on the dose of drug and whether other drugs are given at the same time.

The procedure uses a cold cap to lower the temperature of the top of your head. The cold narrows the blood vessels and prevents the drug passing into the cells at your hair root and damaging them.

Your doctor will tell you if scalp cooling can be used with your chemotherapy. You can then decide whether or not to try it. A doctor or nurse will explain the procedure before you begin treatment.

Hair loss and radiotherapy

Radiotherapy causes hair loss in a different way to chemotherapy and only affects the specific area being treated. For example, if radiotherapy is given to the breast or chest, only chest and underarm hair will be lost; if your head is being treated, only head hair will come out.

Although hair loss is usually temporary, for a few people it can be permanent. It depends on the dose of radiotherapy and the length of treatment you receive. If your hair loss is likely to be permanent, this will be explained to you before treatment begins.

During treatment the skin may become red and sore and it閳ユ獨 important not to irritate it. The staff at your radiotherapy department will give you advice about how to care for your skin in the treatment area at the beginning of your course of radiotherapy. If you feel unsure of what to do or which products to use, do not hesitate to ask the staff looking after you.

Will my hair regrow?

Your hair will usually grow back when treatment is finished. The time regrowth will take depends on your treatment. Your doctor or nurse will be able to advise you on how long it will take.

Your scalp may itch more than usual while your hair is regrowing, so wash it often with a mild moisturising shampoo. Your hair may grow back slightly differently, for example a different shade or colour, curlier than before or very straight.

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