Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

you should apply many shampoo in your hair.... conditioner for about 7 mins. hot oil for about 10 mins. (you should try putting hot oil in your hair... its very soft and like a conditioner...) dont go to salons, your hair have tons of damages if you do that...dont comb your hair too much coz it will costs more hair fall....

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

Try this site:

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

If you have has Apalecia then a wig is the only way to go .I have a family member who had to do this half the time I forget its not her own hair it looks sooo good

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

Vitamins are essential for proper hair growth. For healthy sebum in the scalp we require vitamin A. Graying and loss of hair is arrested with the intake of Vitamin B6 and B12. Keratin is produced by Biotin and hair follicles are kept healthy by inositol. Panthothenic acid and Para-amino benzoic acids are also beneficial. These vitamins are present in fruits such as lemon, pineapple and strawberry and in vegetables such as potato.

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

You can help reduce the effects of hair loss from stress, trauma, shock or illness by increasing your intake of vitamin C found in fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruit and juices, parsley, broccoli, green peppers and black currants.

Take a vitamin B complex everyday or brewers yeast. Increase your intake of protein found in meat, fish, liver, wheat germ, dried cooked beans and peas, tofu, cheese, milk and eggs.

Here you may find some more tips on hair loss treatment:

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

Best treatment for hair loss in women?

Try these home remedies for hair loss:

Apply castor oil and massage on the head.

Boil dry pieces of amla in coconut oil and apply on the head or mix equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice and then used as a shampoo.

Mix 1/2 cup of lettuce juice and 1/2 spinach juice and drink it daily.

Mix 褰?alfalfa juice, 褰?carrot juice and 褰?lettuce juice. Drink it daily.

Mix refined coconut oil with limewater and lime juice and apply on the hair once a day.

Boil 250 grams of mustard oil and about 60 grams of henna leaves. Then filter it through a cloth and stored in a bottle. Apply regular massage of the head with this oil.

Apply coconut milk all over the scalp and massage it the head.

Do a fine paste with seeds of lime and black pepper seeds and apply on the head twice a day.

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