Saturday, August 1, 2009

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

My wife (27 years old) has always struggled with weight and has a problem with facial hair around her neckline. Up to this point she always thought the hair was due to the medication Dylantin she is on to control seizures. We also work out 5 times a week and eat fairly healthy but she has not been able to lose the weight like I all means she should be losing a lot more weight for as much as we work out. Today she told me again about her polycystic ovaries and that got me thinking.....could this have anything to do with her other symptons? So after doing my own research on the net I found that almost every symptom she has could be due to this condition. No doctor has ever mentioned it to her because I think they all assume her weight and facial hair is due to her not working out and taking the Dylantin. If she was to go on a hormanal treatments....could this possibly allow her to start losing weight, as well as start controlling the facial hair along her neckline? Thank

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

In my education sounds like there's a good chance she has PCOS. If she has polycystic ovaries, is overweight (and has a hard time losing it), and facial hair...those are 3 indicative symptoms of PCOS. If she has some of the other symtpoms too...then she might not even have to go through blood tests and all to start treatment. Here's some basic info about PCOS.

I recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist. They are generally more knowledgeable about PCOS and the correct treatment. Unfortunately, many doctors are not aware of the proper treatment.

The underlying cause of PCOS is insulin resistance (IR). The best treatment for PCOS is going on an insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin (1500-2550mg per day) combined with a low carb diet and exercise. There are a few important things to know:

1. Many women "pass" the test for IR, but still respond positively from the metformin. No one knows exactlly thought is that the test is not a sure fire way of detecting the IR.

2. You must be on a high enough dose of metformin. I've heard women complain that their bodies dont start working even though they've been on metformin for awhile. Some doctors are hesitant to up the dose past 1500mg...but for some of us it takes more. I don't respond until my dose is around 2000mg a day.

3. It can take a few months on the correct dose, before your body is regulated.

4. It is important to treat your PCOS even if you are not trying to get pregnant. There are higher risks for many things (high blood pressure, blood clots, diabetes, and many other things) when you have PCOS, but if it is treated properly, then those risks are lowered.

When the PCOS is treated properly, all of your symptoms may not disappear, but they should improve some. It will also be a lot easier to lose weight (and keep it off). Our bodies work against us when we try to lose weight on our own, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

There are TONS of books about PCOS and dieting. There are two that I recommend. Here's the links at amazon for those:

I also recommend a couple web sites: This one is a great message board where you can ask all your PCOS questions or just chat with the women who are also dealing with PCOS. Good luck.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?


Your hair will grow stronger and darker, you will end up stubble and this is NOT something you want to deal with. Talk to your doctor. Report It

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

i believe yes it would.. and has she had her tyroid checked.. that can also be issue with her not losing weight

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

As doctor to check to write her a lab order to check her TSH levels. SHe could have an underactive thyroid.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

I also have pcos. Has she ever actually been diagnosed with pcos because you mentioned the polycystic ovaries? With the exercise you all are doing and the hormone meds it is very possible she could lose the weight and also the excess hair, but she needs to be diagnosed first so that they know how to treat her, she either needs a second opinion or find a doctor that knows about pcos. If she stays with her current doctor she may need to get aggressive and take charge and get them to help her, I had to do that in order to get treatment. Sorry I am coming on strong but some of these doctors are something else.

I am so glad your willing to help your wife, as a women with pcos I see a lot of women out through on support boards who has lack of spousal support and don't want to understand. If you want more information email me and I will point you to some wonderful support sites that can help you and her and maybe answer more of your questions in the process because there is a lot you need to learn about pcos in order to help keep your wife healthy. It is a tough road to ride sometimes.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

YES, definately. I have POS and have had facial hair problems and wt problems etc....long before I myself started on Dylantin. Although one of Dylantin's side effects is an increase in facial hair, so it is a little bit of a double whammy!

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

I too have PCOS. There is nothing they can do about the hair growth that is already growing. They can give her a diabetic medication that will help with her symptons but I found that it made me want to eat more and I gained more weight. There is not a hormone that can be given to her unless she has a thyroid test and it comes back abnormal. As for the hair on her face it will start to grow in other places like around her nipples. They can also give her a cream that will reduce the growth of the hair but it is expensive. She can have electrolices (hair removal) but that too can be expensive. Blood work can determine if she has this or not by seeing the amount of testrone (male hormone) she produces. There is not really much that can be done which really sucks.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

It sounds like PCOS. Get her checked out and don't forget the thyroid test. That could keep her from losing weight.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

If her doctors never mentioned it to her, then how does she know she has it???

Self diagnosis is not good. And if a Dr. told her she has it, then Yes! That's all the info right there.

I wouldn't hormone treatments. Unless you consider the BC pill hormone treatments. My dr. uses the pill as a way to control my PCOS and it works. Still working on losing weight, but the main thing with PCOS is to have a regular period.

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

bring this to the doctors attention. good research! i would say that it's a good chance she could have PCOS and should be tested. there is treatment for it. best of luck!

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

i think her thyroid glands should be checked

PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome/weight/facial hair loss?

If she has PCOS she can get treatment for some of the issues which result from PCOS but as far as the hair growth is concerned, any treatment is only temporary and doesn't affect the fact that she will always have the tendency towards male-type hair growth, especially on the face. The best answer is to get her a really good men's type electric shaver -- I suggest a Norelco -- and encourage her to shave daily.

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